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(What if...?) Open Science by Default!

  • Berlin, BE Germany (map)

In this talk representatives of Berlin Exchange Medicine (BEM), a student-run journal, will share their vision for Open Science at the heart of academic education.

What if student papers would not end up in the drawer of a supervisor, but be openly available? What if students received more than a one-liner of feedback for months of their work? What if they experience open and collaborative work on scientific problems as early as possible? And what would Berlin’s world of science look like if all of this were part of the curricula at Berlin’s universities? At Berlin Exchange Medicine (BEM), a student-run Open Science journal, educative platform, and think tank funded by the Berlin University Alliance, we strive for unconditional answers to these “what if’s”. Join us for our lightning talk on how we want to shape a more transparent publishing system with you, starting with ambitious and idealistic visions in the heads of the experts of tomorrow. You will learn about what we do at BEM, how to work with us as a student or supervisor, and our vision for Open Science at the heart of academic education.

Speakers: Representatives of Berlin Exchange Medicine

About Berlin Exchange Medicine: As the first interprofessional student-run German Open Science journal and educative platform, Berlin Exchange Medicine (BEM) bridges a crucial gap in German healthcare curricula by shifting the mindset of young aspiring scientists toward Open Science as the default mode of future research practice. BEM offers student authors a platform to learn good scientific practice and gain hands-on publishing experience at an early stage. The student team is developing approaches to more transparent, inclusive, and honest scientific practice, implementing such in a modern post-publication peer, and preparing students to become critical actors within the publishing system through a peer review crash course and a fellowship, introducing peer review, open science and good scientific practice.

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