On Monday, October 24, 2022, SRCE will launch and present the Open Monograph Press (OMP) to Croatian scientific community. The OMP is a tool for editorial process and publishing of conference proceedings.
The event includes the presentation the OMP, terms of use, application method and criteria for including the proceedings, as well as the demonstration of the editorial process in OMP. The planned duration of the event is two hours.
By launching this new tool, SRCE contributes to open access publishing and helps to raise the awareness of the importance of open scientific information and open science.
The event will be held in Croatian language. Aditional information can be found on SRCE's web pages: https://www.srce.unizg.hr/vijesti/predstavljanje-podrske-za-uredivanje-i-objavu-zbornika-konferencijskih-radova/objav2022-10-10
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