Numérique, IA et Production Scientifique
"Matinée réflexive" organisée par l'Association des Jeunes Chercheurs de la Mefou et Akono (AJCMAK). Les activités porteront sur le thème "Numérique, IA et Production Scientifique".
Au programme : Conférence+débat, visite du laboratoire MboaLab, Atelier de perfectionnement ergonomique du jeune chercheur, Atelier d'impression 3D, Atelier d'écriture générative.
N.B: La participation est Libre et Gratuite pour Tous!!!
Science Café „Capcanele aerului pe care îl respirăm: radonul”
Science Café „Capcanele aerului pe care îl respirăm: radonul” (on site)
Cu ocazia Săptămânii accesului deschis la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (2024), echipa EUTOPIA_HEALTH și Oficiul pentru Știință Deschisă vă invită la o discuție informală despre radon – gazul radioactiv care ne poate afecta sănătatea, alături de cercetători de la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai.
Dr. Kinga Hening – Facultatea de Știința și Ingineria Mediului, Laboratorul de Încercări de Radon „Constantin Cosma” (LiRaCC)
Lector dr. Valentin-Florian Rauca – Facultatea de Biologie și Geologie, Grupul de Nanomedicină
Lector dr. Sandu Stermin – Facultatea de Biologie și Geologie
Science Café "The traps in the air we breathe: radon" (on site)
On the occasion of the Open Access Week at Babeș-Bolyai University (2024), the EUTOPIA_HEALTH team and the Open Science Office invite you to an informal discussion about radon - the radioactive gas that can affect our health, together with researchers from Babeș-Bolyai University.
Dr. Kinga Hening - Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, "Constantin Cosma" Radon Testing Laboratory (LiRaCC)
Lecturer Dr. Valentin-Florian Rauca - Faculty of Biology and Geology, Nanomedicine Group
Lecturer Dr. Sandu Stermin - Faculty of Biology and Geology
Atelier de familiarizare a doctoranzilor în Istorie și Filosofie cu practicile accesului deschis
Atelier de familiarizare a doctoranzilor în Istorie și Filosofie cu practicile accesului deschis (on site)
Cu ocazia „Săptămânii accesului deschis la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (2024), UBB, prin Oficiul pentru Știință Deschisă și Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie organizează un atelier dedicat doctoranzilor și cadrelor didactice de la școlile doctorale ale Facultății de Istorie și Filosofie. Programul atelierului cuprinde o prezentare introductivă despre ce înseamnă, teoretic și mai ales practic, „acces deschis”, urmată de scurte exerciții pe temă. Prezentarea va include și referiri la accesarea bazelor de date cu literatură științifică, dar mai ales o detaliere a aspectelor practice legate de: recunoașterea diferitelor tipuri de acces deschis, licențierea de tip Creative Commons, identificarea periodicelor cu acces deschis, acoperirea taxelor de publicare în reviste internaționale (Article Processing Charges) prin intermediul Acordurilor Transformative și identificarea și recunoașterea publicațiilor de tip „Predatory” pentru a evita plata unor taxe de publicare, uneori consistente, către reviste cu o reputație și un impact îndoielnice
Trainer: Lector Dr. Vlad Popovici
Workshop: Familiarizing PhD students in History and Philosophy with open access practices (on site)
On the occasion of the „Open Access Week at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (2024)”, BBU, through the Office for Open Science and the Faculty of History and Philosophy, hosts a workshop dedicated to doctoral students and teachers from the doctoral schools of the Faculty of History and Philosophy. The workshop program includes an introductory presentation on "open access" - theoretically and practical aspects - followed by short exercises. The presentation will also include references to accessing databases of scholarly literature, and a detailed discussion of the practical aspects of: recognizing different types of open access, Creative Commons licensing, identifying open access journals, covering Article Processing Charges through the Transformative Agreements, and identifying and recognising predatory publications to avoid paying substantial APCs to journals of dubious reputation and impact.
Trainer: Lecturer Dr. Vlad Popovici
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon for Mi'kmaw History Month & Open Access Week
Sponsored by the Department of Information Science, Dalhousie Libraries is hosting a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in the Ko’jua Okuom at the Killam Library on Thursday, October 24 for Mi'kmaw History Month!
An edit-a-thon is an event where editors and users edit and improve a specific topic or type of content in Wikipedia and Wikimedia. The focus of the edit-a-thon is Mi’kma'ki and Mi’kmaw People and there will be a pre-selected range of biographies, books, and events to add. The goal is to increase Indigenous representation, improve accuracy, and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive internet.
Where: In the Ko'jua Okuom at the Killam Library Learning Commons (6225 University Avenue)
When: 12 - 4 p.m.
Instruction: Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin will have instruction sessions from 12:00 -12:45 a.m. and 2:00 - 2:45 p.m.
You are welcome to stay and participate for the entire afternoon or come and go as you are available!
Refreshments provided. To participate, please make an account with Wikipedia in advance. Please bring your laptop. If you do not have a laptop we will have some available.
Das A und O von Open Access
Publikationsdienste und Services der SUB Göttingen stellen ihre Open-Access-Aktivitäten vor.
Publication services of the Sate and University Library Göttingen present their Open Access activities.
Coffee Lecture Open Access Publizieren
In unserer Coffee Lecture erfahren Sie, wie Sie das passende Open Access Journal für Ihre Publikation finden. Wir achten dabei auf Qualität (Peer Review), Sichtbarkeit (hohe Zitationszahlen) und die Kosten für die Publikation.
„Ist das die Zukunft oder doch nur Abzocke?" Open Access Publizieren bei Elsevier, Wiley und Springer vs. MDPI und Frontiers
Podiumsdiskussion „Ist das die Zukunft oder doch nur Abzocke?"
Open Access Publizieren bei Elsevier, Wiley und Springer vs. MDPI und Frontiers mit eingeladenen Beiträgen, anschließend Preisverleihung für herausragende Leistungen beim OA-Publizieren an der TU Chemnitz.
Eine Anmeldung wird erbeten.
Wir freuen uns auf anregende Diskussionen.
Open publishing programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology - consultation
A consultation on open publishing is scheduled for 22 October. This is a collaborative event where researchers can present a specific problem or ask a question related to this topic. The consultation will be onsite and will take place in the multimedia room of the Gdańsk University of Technolody Library in the Main Building from 1200 to 1400.
Open Access Week 2024: SBlueprint to publishing: TKS Business Plan Competition
IB Business students in Grade 11 at TKS have taken on the challenge of envisioning ideas for a new scientific journal, book, or textbook at KAUST. Come, hear their ideas, and vote for the best ones!
How to up your publishing game with ‘Publish, Review, Curate’ (workshop)
‘Community over commercialisation’ is the theme of this year’s International Open Access Week (October 21-25). Too often, traditional publication models have served the interests of for-profit publishers, instead of primarily benefiting the academic community and society as a whole. At Utrecht University Library we support new ways of publishing that are scholar-led, equitable, and transparent. One of these new publication models is known as Publish, Review, Curate (PRC). On Thursday, October 24, researchers and support staff are warmly invited to join colleagues and Open Access experts to explore this model and discover how to make it work for you.
The PRC model brings together international research communities on independent online publication platforms (such as the UU-supported PeerCommunityIn), where colleagues assess each other’s preprints through a public and transparent review process. Subsequent publication of the finalised work in an affiliated journal (the ‘curate’ step) is optional. Rather than focusing on a static end product (the journal article), the PRC model centres discussion and collaboration as a vital part of the research dissemination process.
During the workshop, we will discuss important questions around reliability, rigour, visibility and impact of the PRC model. Several Utrecht pioneers of this way of publishing will share their motivation and experiences, and attendees will have the chance to get acquainted with PRC platforms in their own subject area in a hands-on session. For those that are considering to use this way of publishing for their next project, the library’s Open Access experts will offer the possibility for a short 1 on 1 consultation.
Speakers will include Jeroen Bosman (Open Science specialist at Utrecht University Library) and Emilia Jarochowska (assistant professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and PRC pioneer).
The workshop will be conducted in English with the option to use luistertaal during the discussion (English/Dutch). Consults can be either in English or Dutch.
Registration is not necessary.
Open Access Talk and Faculty Awards
Open Access Talk and Faculty Awards involved a celebration of open access initiatives and academic excellence! This event brought together faculty, researchers, and thought leaders to discuss the latest in open access research, publishing, and innovation. We also honored outstanding faculty contributions with awards recognizing their dedication to advancing knowledge and accessibility.
Celebration of International Open Access Week 2024
Celebration of International Open Access Week 2024 at Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. The events cover the compilation of open access resources, poster display, poster & professional presentations on open access.
MDPI Open Access Week 2024: Community over Commercialisation
MDPI Singapore is holding its inaugural celebration of International Open Access Week on 24 October 2024 at the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre. With the international theme of "Community over Commercialization," the event will gather scholars, researchers, and academic leaders to address key issues in open scholarship, including the effects of commercialization on knowledge access, alternative publishing models, and the role of open access in promoting collaboration and innovation.
International Open Access Week 2024 - Panjab University
The Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, is celebrating Open Access Week to raise awareness, encourage policy adoption, promote collaboration and highlight global equity. Together, we will examine how fostering community engagement can enhance the impact and accessibility of scholarly work.
The department is organizing a Poster Making Competition, group discussion, and event talks in the department.
The Great Copyright Debate
Imagine a world where academic articles, books and research are free to be shared, remixed and repurposed without restrictions. Would it lead to a utopia of knowledge or chaos in the academic world? Join us to watch a playful and lively debate on the implications of a world without copyright in scholarly works. Set in a relaxed, pub-style atmosphere, join us for wine, cheese, and a fun, social afternoon of intellectual exploration. Whether you’re a scholar, student or simply curious, come ready to challenge your views and enjoy watching the debate!
Claim Your Research Identity with ORCID
Are you a graduate student looking to establish your research identity?
Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) is a persistent identifier that points to an individual researcher, helping to reduce the administrative burden associated with manually managing a scholarly profile.
This workshop, a combination of presentation and question & answer period, will introduce research IDs and how to create one using ORCID, as well as how to increase an ORCIDs credibility by affiliating the record to an institution, such as the University of Waterloo.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
Understand what a researcher ID is Know how to generate a researcher ID using ORCID
Understand how ORCID is used in the grant submission and publishing process
Understand how ORCID fits into the culture of open science
Trick or Treat: Unmasking the OA Publishing Landscape
Join us on Wednesday, October 23, from 12-1 pm in the Perry-Castañeda Library for a lively discussion about many aspects of open access (OA) publishing, including OA business models, qualities to look for in an OA journal, federal funding agency sharing requirements, Creative Commons licenses, and more.
We'll have some Halloween treats to fuel the discussion. 🎃 If you have topics you'd like to suggest for discussion, please submit your suggestion by Friday, October 11!
Increasing Research Impact and Academic Prestige through Open Access Publishing
Are you a researcher with questions about the citation impact of Open Access (OA) publishing?
OA scholarly publishing enables subscription-free access to academic research with the goal of increasing the reach of a work. This in-person workshop, a combination of presentation and question & answer period, will discuss the perceived barriers as well as the benefits of OA publishing, with a particular focus on research impact.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
Understand of the benefits of open access scholarly publishing
Understand of the citation/research impact of publishing open access
Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Open-Access-Publizieren: Erfahrungen, Perspektiven und aktuelle Herausforderungen
Impulsreferate und Diskussion im Rahmen der Internationalen Open Access Woche 2024.
Let's play FAIR - Open Access Games Day at the UG Main Library
The goal of the Games Day is to get participants interested in modern trends in publishing and managing research data and to promote open science through interactive board games. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in board games with an open science theme, including FAIR Factor, where scientific influence is gained by applying FAIR principles, and DMPolly, whose theme is research data security in scientific projects. Games inspired by Taboo, Dobble and Memory will also be available.
The event is hosted by the Research Data Management and Open Science Section of the University of Gdansk Library
Sharing Knowledge: Academic Libraries in the Open Science Ecosystem
The forum, organized by the Bulgarian Information Consortium, aims to initiate a national campaign to mark International Open Access Week. This year's theme, "Community over Commercialization," will serve as a backdrop for showcasing the accomplishments and best practices of academic libraries in promoting open science.
GW OSPO Presents: Movie Night with Q&A for Open Access Week
Join the GW OSPO for a showing of "The Internet's Own Boy: The Aaron Swartz Story", an award winning movie about a computer programmer, writer, political organizer, and internet activist and his battle with the U.S. government and the publishing industry as he risks everything in the pursuit of sharing knowledge. The screening will be followed by a Q&A panel to talk about research, publishing, access to information, and other important topics raised throughout this film.
Popcorn will be provided. The first 25 attendees will get a homemade chocolate chip peanut butter cookie!
Kako povećati utjecaj znanosti: Otvorena i komercijalna znanost“
Zašto se sve više priča o otvorenoj znanosti, preprintima, problemima reproducibilnosti, i što bi znanstvenici trebali znati o tim promjenama? Zašto je za znanstvenike korisno razvijati poduzetnički mindset? Na koje ostale načine otvorena i komercijalna znanost pomažu vašim istraživanjima i širem društvu? Kako stoji Hrvatska po pitanju komercijalizacije znanstvenih istraživanja, publiciranja u otvorenom pristupu i percepcija i stavova o otvorenoj znanosti? Što se očekuje od vas kod prijave projekata? Kako projekti poput Mape znanstvenika, Istražilice i Nuqleusa mogu biti korisni istraživačima, studentima i generalno razvoju znanosti u Hrvatskoj? O svemu tome saznajte na ovim eventu kao i online predavanjima u ostatku tjedna.
Događaj je namijenjen svima koji rade u znanosti, od profesora, doktoranada do studenata zainteresiranih za znanost.
Radionica Kreiranje JATS XML-a iz DOCX dokumenata na Hrčku
Radionica Kreiranje JATS XML-a iz DOCX dokumenata na Hrčku namijenjena je svim urednicima časopisa u Hrčku koji se žele upoznati s kreiranjem JATS XML-a kroz sučelje Hrčka.
Tijekom radionice polaznici će saznati više o pripremi DOCX dokumenata radova za konverziju u JATS XML te će imati priliku samostalno kreirati JATS XML stoga je na radionicu potrebno donijeti vlastite materijale za rad, tj. Word (DOCX) dokumente radova jednog objavljenog broja časopisa, kako bi stvarne članke tijekom radionice konvertirali u XML format i objavili u svojim časopisima. Prijava za sudjelovanje na radionici je obavezna.
Seminarium Open Access
Open Access Seminar. We are organizing a discussion panel at the University of Lodz Library with the participation of experts who will share various experiences and perspectives with us – and with each other. We want to discuss topics such as: (absence) of open science in evaluation, non-bibliometric aspects of the evaluation of scientific activities, the specificity of the discipline and evaluation criteria, initiatives to improve the science evaluation system (especially the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment: CoARA), possible directions of development of the Polish system for assessing science and scientists.
Open Access Seminar is free and open to all.
[Open Access Week 2024] Publisher Talk: Wiley about Open Access and its Community Impact
We are excited to invite the NU community to an informative workshop led by Wiley representative Aiman Ashimkhan. This session will cover the concept of open access and its numerous benefits for our community. Aiman will explain how transformative agreements operate and discuss the positive societal shifts that open access publishing can facilitate. Additionally, participants will learn about the various opportunities available for publishing with Wiley in an open access format.
This workshop represents a valuable opportunity for faculty, researchers, and students to gain insights into the evolving landscape of academic publishing. Open access is not just a trend; it’s a transformative approach that enhances the visibility and accessibility of research, ensuring that knowledge is shared widely and equitably.
Jeu “Open SU”
Lancez les dés, avancez vos pions sur le plateau et piochez une carte. Une bonne réponse ? Vous ouvrez un cadenas en faveur de l’open access !
Durée : c’est vous qui décidez – un tour, deux tours, ou pour toute la durée du jeu !
Quand ? Mardi 22 et Jeudi 24 octobre entre 12h et 14h (passez quand vous voulez)
Alle Forschungsergebnisse sollten öffentlich sein. CHANGE MY MIND!
Alle Forschungsergebnisse sollten öffentlich sein. CHANGE MY MIND!
Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, diese These mit einer Person aus unserem Open-Science-Team zu diskutieren, um sie vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen!
Lassen Sie uns Argumente austauschen, Standpunkte verteidigen und verschiedene Sichtweisen kennenlernen. Kommen Sie vorbei zu unserem Diskussionstisch im Foyer der Mensa! CHANGE MY MIND!
All research results should be made public. CHANGE MY MIND!
You are cordially invited to discuss this thesis with a member of our Open Science team to convince them otherwise!
Let's exchange arguments, defend positions and get to know different perspectives. Come along to our discussion table in the cafeteria foyer! CHANGE MY MIND!
Radionica Izrada DOCX predloška za konverziju u JATS XML
Radionica Izrada DOCX predloška za konverziju u JATS XML namijenjena je uredništvima znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa. Tijekom radionice polaznici će pripremati predložak za radove u DOCX formatu s ciljem da radovi budu što bolje pripremljeni za automatsku konverziju u JATS XML format te objavu na portalu Hrčak. Automatizirana konverzija iz DOCX formata u JATS XML format je funkcionalnost koja je urednicima časopisa uključenih u Hrčak dostupna od rujna 2023. te omogućava korisnicima da kroz administratorsko sučelje Hrčka stvaraju potpune i ispravne JATS XML datoteke za svoje časopise bez prethodnog poznavanja XML-a i JATS sheme.
Polaznici radionice upoznat će se s korištenjem različitih stilova koje će primjenjivati na naslove i podnaslove rada u svrhu stvaranja strukture dokumenta. Prikazat će se pravilan način numeriranja stranica u radu kao i rad sa zaglavljem i podnožjem dokumenta. Radionica će se baviti izradom fusnota u radu te pravilnim načinom umetanja i upravljanja slikovnim materijalima kako bi se ispravno prikazali u XML formatu. Program će obuhvatiti područje izrade i oblikovanja formula i funkcija koje se mogu pojaviti u znanstvenim i stručnim radovima te će biti objašnjeno kako formule koje su umetnute kao slike samostalno izraditi u DOCX datoteci. Naposljetku, polaznici će imati priliku raditi s knjižnim oznakama u DOCX datoteci te savladati vještine povezivanja referenci unutar rada.
Prijava za sudjelovanje na radionici je obavezna.
Community-Led Knowledge Sharing in Kenya
This theme for Open Access Week on 22nd October 2024 focuses on the power of Kenyan communities in shaping and sharing knowledge. It highlights the role of local communities in creating, preserving, and disseminating indigenous and locally-generated knowledge through open access platforms. By emphasizing collaboration and inclusivity, this theme aims to empower Kenyan communities to actively participate in global knowledge ecosystems while celebrating their unique contributions. It also encourages discussions on how open access can support sustainable development, cultural preservation, and innovation, ensuring that knowledge flows freely and benefits all.