
Filtering by: “Year: 2024”

Keynote address: Community over commercialisation

Open Access (OA) Week kicks off with a keynote address from Dr Danny Kingsley, Deakin Library’s Director, Library Services (Information) and internationally recognised champion of and advocate for open access. Dr Kingsley’s keynote will set the scene for OA Week by exploring the open scholarship movement, tracing its evolution, current state and future potential. Dr Kingsley will explore the underlying principles of open scholarship, the diverse approaches taken globally and their impact. This session will also highlight the challenges and barriers to broader adoption, laying the groundwork for Tuesday’s panel discussion and setting the tone for a week of thought-provoking discussion.

All are welcome to attend. This session will be held in person and also streamed via Zoom webinar. Please indicate when booking whether you wish to attend in person or virtually. Coffee, tea and light refreshments following the session for in-person attendees.

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Open and Engaged 2024: Empowering Communities to Thrive in Open Scholarship

The British Library is delighted to host its annual Open and Engaged Conference on Monday 21 October, in-person and online, as part of International Open Access Week. The Conference is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Research Libraries UK (RLUK).

Open and Engaged 2024: Empowering Communities to Thrive in Open Scholarship will centre leveraging the power of communities in the axis of open scholarship, open infrastructure, emerging technologies, collections as data, equity and integrity, skills development and sustainable models to elevate research of all kinds for the public good. We take a cross sectoral approach to the conference programme – unifying around shared-values for openness – by reflecting on practices within research libraries both in higher education and GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) sectors as well as the national and public libraries.

This will be a hybrid event taking place at the British Library’s Knowledge Centre in London, St. Pancras and streamed online for those unable to attend in-person. The event will be recorded and made available afterwards via the British Library research repository.

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What's in store for social sciences publishing?

Social sciences publishing is undergoing a profound transformation in the digital age. From questions around AI and emerging technologies, to funding policy changes, what can we expect from the future of publishing in the social sciences?

As part of #OAWeek, join LSE's dedicated publisher, LSE Press, for ‘What’s in store for social sciences publishing?’ a free and public symposium geared towards prospective authors and those interested in Open Access publishing. Founded in 2018, LSE Press is the School’s Open Access publisher of high-quality research across the social sciences.

As a publishing house based in a university, LSE Press publishes books and journals via Open Access based on their principal belief that research and teaching resources should not only be free to read but should also help to create greater equity in academic research. All their books and journals are free to read and download from their website.

This symposium seeks to share knowledge on social sciences publishing processes with early career researchers and authors, as well as spotlighting Open Access innovations, and enabling networking between researchers and publishing professionals.

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Do Open Access Publishing Agreements Work? – The Case of Top Tier Business Journals

Do Open Access Publishing Agreements Work? – The Case of Top Tier Business Journals

Gernot Pruschak (Dozent, Institut Applied Data Science & Finance, BFH)

Open access publishing has become more and more popular in the last two decades. Only recently, open access deals, also called offsetting agreements, transformative agreements, or open access publishing agreements arose as incubators of open access publishing by waiving individual authors’ article processing charges. We ask the research question whether such open access publishing agreements managed to increase the share of open access publications in business research. To answer this research question, we conduct a bibliometric study among research articles, reviews and conference papers published in FT-50 journals between 2010 and 2019. We find that none of the FT-50 journals constitutes a gold open access journal (i.e. providing free access to all articles). Furthermore, our results show that the share of open access publishing among FT-50 journals is substantially lower than those from other disciplines. While junior scholars do not differ in their open access publishing behavior, the number of affiliated institutions and the number of affiliated countries have positive effects on open access publishing. We therefore call upon business research publishers and societies to establish gold open access journals, universities to educate junior scholars on open access publishing opportunities and national and supra-national agencies to negotiate open access publishing agreements on behalf of their dedicated research institutions.

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Panel discussion: Diamond Open Access - sustainable concept or utopian?

The Open Access Week 2024 focuses on the topic of ‘Community over Commercialisation’. As part of a panel discussion, we aim to explore the perspectives of open approaches to science. The focus will be on Diamond Open Access - an approach that enables access to scientific publications without financial barriers for authors and readers.

Join us in discussing questions such as:

  • Who are the funders of Diamond Open Access, and what sustainable funding models beyond initial grants are conceivable?

  • Can Diamond Open Access be aligned with non-commercial publication models that prioritize the needs of the scholarly community, and if so, how?

  • What are the advantages of Diamond Open Access for researchers?

  • Can a more inclusive scientific landscape be created in this way?

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Panel discussion: Community over commercialisation

We will continue the conversation about community over commercialisation with an online panel discussion between members of our Deakin research community. Building on Monday’s keynote address by Dr Danny Kingsley, panelists will consider why open scholarship should be prioritised, how open scholarship serves the best interests of the public and academic community, as well as what needs to change to address significant issues in the current landscape of scholarly publishing.

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Introduction à SPARQL


Venez découvrir ce langage de requête sémantique de base de données, basé sur la technologie RDF. Le langage SPARQL permet d'interroger de gigantesques bases, telles que ou

Une requête SPARQL peut répondre à des questions comme (sous réserve d'avoir les données pertinentes):

- Quelle est la tonalité la plus populaire en musique?

- Quel est le personnage qui a été le plus joué par des acteurs ou actrices?

- Quelle est la distribution des groupes sanguins?

- Quelles sont les œuvres d'auteur qui entrent dans le domaine public cette année?


- Introduction à SPARQL

- Prise en main de

- Exemples d'interrogation à partir des données Wikidata

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Multimedia content and third-parties rights: The beauty and complexity of open science in art, design and music

Multimedia content and third-parties rights: The beauty and complexity of open science in art, design and music,

Chiara Barbieri (Junior Researcher, Institute of Design, SUPSI)

Iolanda Pensa (Senior Researcher, Institute of Design, SUPSI)

Starting with a brief overview of the key features of data in the arts and humanities, we follow the research data throughout their lifecycle: from research planning to long-term sustainability. A series of case studies illustrate the main challenges towards the implementation of open access in the fields of arts, design and music. We offer a hands-on perspective and suggest some solutions in the form of best practices collected in a set of guidelines. The presentation is based on the results of the project Open Science for Arts, Design and Music (OS-ADM), co-funded by swissuniversities and led by SUPSI.

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ABC of Open Access Publishing

This webinar presents an introduction to open access publishing. The topics include:

  • Basic routes to open access

  • Practical tips on how to publish open access

  • Funders’ open access requirements

  • Creative Commons licences

  • Journal quality evaluation

The discussion is grounded in practical examples of Aalto University's open access services, including Read & Publish agreements provided by Aalto.

Come join this event to learn more about open access publishing. Prior to the event, we suggest you study Aalto University’s open access services.

This webinar is organised as a part of the International Open Access Week 2024.

Who can participate?

Please note that some of the content (e.g., Read & Publish agreements) are Aalto University specific. The webinar is aimed at Aalto University researchers who are interested in learning more about open access publishing, but anyone interested in the topic can join. No prior knowledge is required. The webinar is free and open to all.


A 1.5-hour webinar including a Q&A discussion.

Schedule and location

The training will be held online via Zoom on October 23, 2024, at 1–2.30 PM Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).


  • Ms. Eeva Savolainen, Information Specialist, Research Services, Aalto University,

  • Ms. Katri Seitsonen, Information Specialist, Research Services, Aalto University,

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Qualitätssicherung im OA-Publikationsprozess: Von Peer Review bis Predatory Journals

In der Welt der Open Access-Publikationen spielt die Qualitätssicherung eine entscheidende Rolle, um wissenschaftliche Integrität zu gewährleisten. In unserem Open Access Talk beleuchten wir die verschiedenen Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung im OA-Publikationsprozess.

Von etablierten Peer-Review-Verfahren bis hin zu den Risiken, die von sogenannten Predatory Journals ausgehen – wir diskutieren, wie Wissenschaftler die Qualität ihrer Publikationen schützen und auf welche Herausforderungen sie achten sollten.

Dieser Talk bietet eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, sich mit Expert auszutauschen, praktische Tipps zu erhalten und ein tieferes Verständnis für die Mechanismen der Qualitätssicherung im Open Access zu entwickeln. Seien Sie dabei und erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen über die Sicherung wissenschaftlicher Qualität in der digitalen Publikationswelt!

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Das E-Book Fachpaket Erziehungswissenschaft – Ein Crowdfunding der etwas anderen Art

Das E-Book Fachpaket Erziehungswissenschaft – Ein Crowdfunding der etwas anderen Art

Dr. Rainer Plappert (Leiter der Medienbearbeitung, UB Erlangen-Nürnberg, FAU)

Der FID Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung unterstützt die Open Access Transformation seit 2022 mit der Realisierung jährlicher E-Book-Pakete. Anders als vergleichbare Initiativen setzt der FID dabei auf verlagsungebundene und durch die Fachwissenschaft ausgewählte Fachpakete, für deren Auswahl eine Reihe inhaltlicher und formaler Kriterien entwickelt wurden. Die Finanzierung der Fachpakete erfolgte bis 2023 hauptsächlich auf der Basis eines Crowdfundings interessierter Bibliotheken sowie mit Unterstützung von Fördermitteln der DFG. Die inhaltlich-administrative Konzeption sowie die finanzielle Nachhaltigkeit dieses Transformationskonzepts werden mit Blick auf das Zugrunde liegende Konzept des Crowdfundings erläutert und kritisch hinterfragt.

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Trick or Treat: Unmasking the OA Publishing Landscape

Join us on Wednesday, October 23, from 12-1 pm in the Perry-Castañeda Library for a lively discussion about many aspects of open access (OA) publishing, including OA business models, qualities to look for in an OA journal, federal funding agency sharing requirements, Creative Commons licenses, and more.

We'll have some Halloween treats to fuel the discussion. 🎃 If you have topics you'd like to suggest for discussion, please submit your suggestion by Friday, October 11!

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The Great Copyright Debate

Imagine a world where academic articles, books and research are free to be shared, remixed and repurposed without restrictions. Would it lead to a utopia of knowledge or chaos in the academic world? Join us to watch a playful and lively debate on the implications of a world without copyright in scholarly works. Set in a relaxed, pub-style atmosphere, join us for wine, cheese, and a fun, social afternoon of intellectual exploration. Whether you’re a scholar, student or simply curious, come ready to challenge your views and enjoy watching the debate!

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How to improve the metadata coverage and quality in open scholarly metadata databases for Open Access publications?

How to improve the metadata coverage and quality in open scholarly metadata databases for Open Access publications?

Open scholarly metadata databases such as OpenAlex and OpenAIRE can be used to measure the progress of the implementation of Open Access (OA) in a country or in an institution. The coverage and quality of the publication metadata available in such databases can still be improved. Since some of the registries used as a source in those global databases are community-led, it is possible for anyone to contribute to their improvement. The presentation is addressed at professionals involved in OA or research evaluation, librarians, and anyone interested in open scholarly metadata databases. It will first handle some challenges of using such databases for quantitative purposes (bibliometrics). It will then introduce tools that anyone can use to improve the coverage and quality of the metadata in such databases. A particular focus will be placed on the metadata required for analyses of OA publications output from Swiss institutions.

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Karger in Conversation - Open to Interpretation: Translating the Vocabulary of Open Access into Action

This Open Access Week, uncover the hidden nuances of Open Access with us, as we analyze critical terms and concepts like "Transformative Agreement" and "cost neutral".

Join two leading experts as they dissect these and other key terms, revealing how local biases, historical contexts, and practical challenges shape our understanding. Moderated by Chris Box, this event promises fresh insights and thought-provoking discussions. Are we all on the same page, or are we lost in translation? Don't miss out on this eye-opening exploration!


  • Christian Box, Head of Academic and Research Markets, Karger Publishers


  • Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor for Research Professional Development, University Library of the University of Illinois

  • Jeff Lewandowski, Director of Publishing, American Physical Society

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Podiumsdiskussion: Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?

Podiumsdiskussion: Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?

Alain Cortat (Founder and director, Éditions Alphil)

Barbara Preisig (Art historian and art critic, ZHdK / Co-editor B-N-L)

Stefan Sonderegger (Chief editor, CHSS)

Anna Picco-Schwendener (Project Manager, CCdigitallaw)

Suzanna Marazza (Legal Expert, CCdigitallaw)

Tobias Philipp (Open Access Coordinator, SNSF)

The year 2024 marks a significant reference point in the Swiss Open Access (OA) landscape. By this time, all scholarly publications funded by public money were expected to be freely accessible on the internet, in accordance with the initial national OA strategy (swissuniversities & Swiss National Science Foundation, 2017). Additionally, the “GOAL” project that set off to unlock the Green OA potential in scholarly and professional journals in Switzerland three years ago, is nearing its conclusion. On this occasion, we will meet with representatives from Swiss-based journals and their publishers, legal experts, and science policymakers to discuss the current situation of OA in Switzerland. What has been achieved so far and what challenges still lie ahead? What are our panellists optimistic about and what concerns them? Furthermore, will we reach the new national goal to shift completely to OA by 2032, as the revised national strategy stipulates (swissuniversities & Swiss National Science Foundation, 2024)? We invite researchers, publishers, decision-makers, research support staff, librarians, and all others interested in the topic to join us for a lively panel discussion at this hybrid event, followed by an aperitif.

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Beyond OER: Open Education practices and equity for all

This session explores the concept of open practice and its influence on equity in education for students and the community. Open practice is a multifaceted concept, connecting and uniting academics, students and the community in a more equitable and socially just model for education. Collaborating and co-designing through open practice enriches educational experiences by embedding diverse representations, authentic stories, lived experiences and renewable assessment.

This session will celebrate the launch of Communication Concepts, a recently published Open Education Resource (OER) developed in collaboration with students as an example of open education in practice.

All are welcome to attend. This session will be held in person and also streamed via Zoom webinar. Please indicate when booking whether you wish to attend in person or virtually. Those attending in-person are invited to stay after the session for refreshments and networking.

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Publikationen sind auch nur Daten: Schlaglichter auf den Zusammenhang von Open Access und Datafizierung

Publikationen sind auch nur Daten: Schlaglichter auf den Zusammenhang von Open Access und Datafizierung

Klaus Rummler (Advanded Reseacher, Zentrum Bildung und Digitaler Wandel, PHZH)

Jan Steiner (Fachspezialist Open Access, Hochschulbibliothek, PHZH)

Die Digitalisierung, die wir in den vergangenen Jahren wahrgenommen haben, hat auch das Publikations- und Bibliothekswesen erfasst. Fast zeitgleich hat Open Access viel Bewegung und Veränderung mit sich gebracht. Damit einher ging vor allem eine Digitalisierung von Prozessen und Publikationen. In der abschliessenden Veranstaltung der Open Access Week 2024 wollen wir einige Schlaglichter auf Zusammenhänge zwischen Open Access und Datafizierung werfen – dies aus Sicht der Bibliothek der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich und anhand von Erfahrungen aus Diamond Open Access Zeitschriften.

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Una rivista peer-reviewed in Diamond Open Access organizzata da volontari, senza istituzioni a supporto

Una rivista peer-reviewed in Diamond Open Access organizzata da volontari, senza istituzioni a supporto.

Molti di noi conoscono l’importanza di avere riviste in Diamond Open Access, solitamente in capo a istituzioni accademiche, dato che gli editori commerciali difficilmente praticano il Diamond.

E se considerassimo anche i vantaggi di una rivista ancora più libera, che propone il Diamond Open Access?

La maggiore liberà sta nel non dover rispondere a nessun marchio istituzionale; e di appartenere a una comunità eterogenea e transdisciplinare di studiosi che hanno a cuore il progresso della ricerca per la società e per la comunità.

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